connect to the good in Rhode Island

We've put together a list of organizations dedicated to making a positive impact in Rhode Island. From environmental conservation to social justice, from peace activism to healthcare, the Rhode Island community is actively working for change!

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Please note that this list may not be exhaustive. This directory is a living document that will be regularly updated, and we welcome suggestions for additional organizations!

local organizations

Peace & Nonviolence

East Bay Citizens for Peace
EBCP is a grassroots organization made up of individuals from RI’s East Bay area that are committed to peaceful solutions to conflict and to social and economic justice through the promotion of open, respectful dialogue. EBCP strives to accomplish these goals through public forums on topics relevant to our mission, publication of position papers and community activism.

Food Not Bombs
Food Not Bombs provides free vegetarian food with hungry people and protesting war and poverty. This energetic all volunteer grassroots movement is active worldwide.

Jewish Voice for Peace RI
Jewish Voice for Peace is the largest progressive Jewish anti-Zionist organization in the world. JVP is organizing a grassroots, multiracial, cross-class, intergenerational movement of U.S. Jews into solidarity with the Palestinian freedom struggle, guided by a vision of justice, equality, and dignity for all people.

Rhode Island Anti-War Committee
RIAC is dedicated to promoting peace and opposing militarism in the United States and beyond. With twice-a-week vigils in the heart of Providence, they strive to raise awareness about the consequences of war and advocate for peaceful resolutions to conflicts.

Rhode Island Phone Bankers for Palestine
This group mobilizes RI Muslims and allies to make hundreds of phone calls daily to elected officials, putting pressure on them on their stances regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza. 

The Nonviolence Institute
NVI seeks to teach by word and example the principles and practices of nonviolence, and to foster a community that addresses potentially violent situations with nonviolent solutions. MLK’s theory of nonviolence is the foundation from which all Nonviolence Institute programs and services are built on.

The Peace Flag Project
The Peace Flag Project helps everyone to be a peacemaker. Their work is focused on imagining peace, understanding peace, creating peace and being peace. They work with people to create Peace Flags that reflect positive wishes for the world as well as help to create Peace Gardens, public spaces that inspire us, nurture us and provide a sense of well being.

Veterans For Peace RI
Veterans For Peace is a global organization of Military Veterans and allies whose collective efforts are to build a culture of peace by using their experiences and lifting their voices. They focus on educating the public, advocating for a dismantling of the war economy, providing services that assist veterans and victims of war, and most significantly, working to end all wars.

Environmental Justice / Climate Action

Climate Action RI
Climate Action Rhode Island (350 RI) is a grassroots organization in Rhode Island focused on addressing climate change through advocacy, education, and community engagement, aiming to foster sustainability and resilience in the state.

RI Environmental Education Association
RIEEA is a collaborative network of educators, students, advocates, and organizations working to promote environmental education in both formal & nonformal settings.

The Racial & Environmental Justice Committee
The REJC transforms the collective priorities of BIPOC, low wealth, and frontline communities in Providence and throughout RI into policy solutions to cultivate a world where everyone lives well without living better at the expense of others.  The REJC facilitates co-governance so that decision-making is shared between communities at the frontlines of environmental and racial injustices and the institutions that formally hold decision-making power.

Queer Hikes
A fun, safe space for the LGBTQ+ community in southern New England to explore nature & make new friends.

Zero Waste Providence
Zero Waste Providence is a grassroots initiative in Rhode Island dedicated to reducing waste and promoting sustainable living practices. Through education and local projects, they strive to minimize landfill contributions and inspire individuals and businesses to adopt environmentally friendly habits.

Local Sustainability

Providence Streets Coalition 
The Providence Streets Coalition is an alliance of 42 community organizations, local businesses, schools, neighborhood associations, and thousands of engaged individuals advocating for people-friendly streets in Providence. 

Trash Free PVD
Trash Free PVD aims to organize regular clean up events at different locations around the city. They are committed to educating and informing residents about how they can help keep Providence beautiful.

Youth & Student

Providence Student Union 
Providence Student Union empowers students to become powerful advocates for their own education and well-being. PSU unites youth from across Providence to take the lead in reshaping their schools and communities right now.

Providence Youth Student Movement
PrYSM organizes at the intersections of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation by centering youth, female, queer, and people of color leadership in our campaigns, our organization, and our communities. PrYSM mobilizes queer Southeast Asian youth, families, and allies to build grassroots power and organize collectively for social justice.

Social & Economic (Equity)

134 Collaborative
134 Collaborative is an initiative in partnership with Mathewson Street Church. They bring together like-minded organizations to build a community collaborative for social good in the heart of downtown Providence.

Alliance to Mobilize Our Resistance RI
AMOR is an alliance of community based grassroots organizations mobilizing at the intersections of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and immigration status to prevent, to respond to, and to end state violence against the community. They work to create a space where the community can demand accountability, challenge injustices, and access healing after experiencing violence. 

Better Lives RI
We help people better their own lives by providing hope and support for a better tomorrow and food security and homeless services to get through today.

Direct Action for Rights and Equality RI
DARE’s mission is to organize low-income families living in communities of color for social, economic, and political justice.

George Wiley Center
The George Wiley Center is a grassroots agency that organizes members of the low-income community to advocate for systematic changes aimed at alleviating problems associated with poverty. 

Never Again Action RI
Never Again Action is a Jewish-led mobilization against the persecution, detention, and deportation of immigrants in the United States. They are fighting alongside immigrant partners for a world free of detention and deportation. They are fighting for collective liberation.

Poor People’s Campaign RI
The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is uniting people across Rhode Island to challenge the evils of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy, ecological devastation and the nation’s distorted morality of religious nationalism.

Providence Community Fridge
Providence Community Fridge manages community fridges: communal places where surplus food is shared with the local community by local businesses and individuals.

Providence Organization of Workers & Renters
POWR is a community organization for workers and renters that is centered on building the power of the people.

Reclaim RI
Reclaim RI is a volunteer-based progressive organization fighting for social and economic justice in Rhode Island. Main campaigns include Housing Justice, Marijuana Justice, and Tenant Organizing.

Sista Fire
Sista Fire seeks to support and nurture women and nonbinary people of color to come together to build a collective power for social, economic, and political transformation.

Women’s Fund of Rhode Island
Women's Fund of Rhode Island invests in women and girls through research, advocacy, grant making and strategic partnerships designed to advance gender equity through systemic change. Their work lays the foundation for a more equitable Rhode Island and has made the state a national leader in public policies that are good for women and families.

Worker’s Voice RI
Workers’ Voice is group of workers and activists committed to the liberation of workers and the oppressed. They strive to build the labor, environmental, anti-war, anti-racist, feminist, student and other movements. WVRI’s ultimate goal is a truly democratic society organized to satisfy human needs, rather than corporate greed.

Medical Equity

Urban Perinatal Education Center
The Urban Perinatal Education Center wants to change the way people experience perinatal health, education and services. The center is family centered, patient driven and community initiated. 

Rhode Island Free Clinic
Rhode Island Free Clinic’s mission is to provide free, comprehensive medical care and preventive health services to adults who have no health insurance and cannot afford those services; and to serve as an educational training site for aspiring health care professionals.

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to the good happening in Rhode Island!